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Books4learn provide you free ebooks which can be read anytime anywhere without any problem. In present time we have added only programming books , that make help the IT students.

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Important Links

w3school - To read about HTML, CSS , Java Script, SQL, PHP,  jQuery, Bootstrap,  w3.CSS in simple language.

TutorialsPoint - To read about all Programming Languages , web technologies  and other IT related topics.

GeeksforGeek - To read about Gate(CS) and others IT related topics such as Data Structure, Algorithms etc.

Java2s - Best Java learning websites , you can also learn C, C++, ios, javascript and  android .

TechGig -For preparation of Technical examination  and Fresher hiring website.

eLitmus - India’s largest assessment and recruitment company for entry level engineers.

Codecademy -Learn and Coding Ground of Html CSS etc.

CodeSchool -Great for beginners. Contains videos and simple interactive challenges.

FreeCodeCamp -A good website for learning the basics about HTML and CSS.

TreeHouse -Another great option if you’re a beginner starting out learning to code. 

CoderByte -Practice solving code challenges here and implementing different algorithms and data structures.

DataCamp -If data science interests you, then this website has a great online editor to code in Python and R.

HackerRank -Another website to practice solving code challenges on with a lot of tutorials about  algorithms.

CodinGame -This website offers users the ability to solve coding challenges that are directly tied to online games.

Coursera- Collection of Programming language for beginner.

KhanAcademy -Learning all subject in simple language for teacher and Student.

Codeeval -Online Coding  Competition for all language such as C , C++ , JAVA , C# and other.

CodeWars - Best All language Coding challenge for skill developed in programming.

SPOJ -Learn how to code and build efficient algorithms.

LeetCode -best platform to help improve your skills, expand your knowledge and prepare for technical interviews.

EDX- Online certificate Course,where you can learn and get certificate.

Best Hindi Tutorials - Best website forlearning all programming language in Hindi.

SOLOLEARN - Best programming website and app for learning all language and also get Certificate.

THE CODE PLAYER - See webpage template source code and learn also related web development.

 Learn JS - Go through lessons, type in the window at the bottom, and learn javascript.

SQL Zoo - Online run sql query and also learn about sql and his query in easiest way.

GITHUB -  There are over 500 free books on programming that will cover over 80 different programming... 

Udemy - Online learning platform where you can be used as a way for individuals to learn or improve job skills.

Tute+ -This is a great resource to find not only tons of free tutorials, but also paid options for tutorials .

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